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Google Adsense Ads.txt Generator

ads.txt Generator

It is an online ads.txt Generator tool for Google Adsense.

To Generate your Google AdSense Custom ads.txt files, Follow The Following Steps.

Step: 1 Sign in to your Google AdSense account 'Then' click on the left-side account option and account information.

Step: 2 Then copy' your publisher ID and replace the default value in the input field (pub-12345678) with your AdSense publisher ID.

Google AdSense ads.txt Generator

Step: 3 After adding your Own Google AdSense publisher ID in the input field, click the Generate ads.txt button.

Step: 4 The generated ads.txt file will be show" in the Textarea box.

Step: 5 Then Copy or Download the ads.txt file "As per" your requirements and add or upload your website root directory.